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File List  |  1994-04-13  |  24KB  |  333 lines

  4. 3DSS10.ZIP      33262  05-31-93  Route to door by Security Level for Wildcat
  5.                                | BBS's
  6. 3DTIME10.ZIP    27736  06-01-93  Keep record of elapsed time in doors or hooks
  7.                                | for Wildcat BBS's
  8. ACF100.ZIP      31896  10-24-93  AddConf v1.00 - Conference utility for WC v3.
  9. ACTV340.ZIP     88068  05-07-93  AcTView 3∙4 Activity Log Manager For Wildcat
  10.                                | BBS! View Daily Activity/Errors/new
  11.                                | Users/System Problems, Etc∙ Across One or All
  12.                                | Nodes (Up to 100!) A Well Proven Util∙
  13. ADDAD35.ZIP     23260  12-16-93  Puts info. file in uploads. Now adds comments
  14.                                | Inserts a text file into a new uploaded file
  15.                                | showing information such as, Who uploaded it
  16.                                | When uploaded, File name and description. It
  17.                                | will also detect if program .ext was changed,
  18.                                | by another program, and will automatically
  19.                                | compensate for it. If no desc. given, the
  20.                                | program will look for a desc. file in the
  21.                                | upload and use it. WC3 BBSs,by Larry Edwards
  22. AOLMENUS.ZIP     4114  01-07-93  Set of Menus for Wildcat! BBS Software
  23. AWUP340.ZIP    139337  05-07-93  Upgrades AcTView 3∙33 Registered For Wildcat
  24.                                | to Version 3∙4 Registered Version 3∙33
  25.                                | Registered is Required For This Patch∙
  26. B2C10.ZIP       11592  06-07-93  BGFAX to Wildcat operation.
  27. BDAYPREP.ZIP    64192  08-28-93  WC3.x/2.x User Birthdate extractor for
  28.                                | TODAYB.
  29. BDOOR20.ZIP     67030  03-13-94  BDoor v2.0 is a WC 3.xS ANSI and RIP door men
  30.                                | last user, date, and number of uses.  Beakwar
  31. CATCALL.ZIP    113243  09-04-93  CATCALL - Creates RIP screen of who called WC
  32. CATLIST.ZIP    287208  10-18-93  CatList v4.11 RIPSCRIP Support!
  33.                                | A full featured BBS Listing Door that
  34.                                | may be set for a specified number of days to
  35.                                | keep a lising current.  At the end of that
  36.                                | time, CatList will notify the lister that his
  37.                                | listing has expired and that it will be
  38.                                | deleted.  Creates a Full-Color bulletin using
  39.                                | WC!3.x color codes and a text file resembling
  40.                                | WCLIST.TXT from Mustang! BBS.   $25 REG Fee
  41.                                | Now supports RIP Graphics and PCBoard v15.0.
  42.                                | Another product from PAROLE Software by
  43.                                | Dennis Maidon.
  44. CATS50AU.ZIP    67213  03-13-94  CatStat v5.0a - WC3.xx Utility to augment WCP
  45.                                |    A Wildcat 3.x+ Utility that replaces      
  46.                                |    /augments WCPro for creating Stats        
  47.                                |    on a Wildcat 3.xx BBS.                    
  48.                                |    Can do the following:                     
  49.                                |    1) Keeps a breakdown of calls by hour     
  50.                                |       and Day for History of BBS.            
  51.                                |    2) Keeps track of the use of each door    
  52.                                |       by name for that Day.                  
  53.                                |    3) Includes dynamic Download/Upload       
  54.                                |       Screens including type of Protocol     
  55.                                |       Used and problem listings.             
  56.                                |    4) Keeps track of TomCat if it is active  
  57.                                |       in the system.                         
  58.                                |    SHAREWARE -                               
  59.                                |    Three Paws Productions (513) 745-0965 BBS 
  60. CCALL220.ZIP    59391  03-13-94          ______    ______   _______           
  61.                                |        /  ___/\  / __  /\ /__  __/\          
  62.                                |       /  /___\/ / /\/ / / \_/ /\_\/          
  63.                                |      /  ___/\  / / / / /   / / /             
  64.                                |     /  /___\/ / /_/ / /   / / /              
  65.                                |    /_____/\  /_____/ /   /_/ /               
  66.                                |    \_____\/  \_____\/    \_\/                
  67.                                |    End of TiME Software Presents...          
  68.                                |            CCBBS Call v2.00                  
  69.                                |          The BEST caller's log               
  70.                                |        scanner for Wildcat 3.0+!             
  71.                                |      Totally Customizable Outputs            
  72. CHECKAGE.ZIP   120623  12-04-93  CHECKAGE v2.6 - limit user's access to doors
  73.                                | by age. NoBitchware WildCat! utility from
  74.                                | DrawBridge BBS.
  75. CHGCLR21.ZIP    31773  08-09-93  ChangeColor (CHGCLR) 2.10 change color codes
  76.                                | in Wildcat! 3.x.
  77. CL3X24X.ZIP    113654  09-21-93  These are the files needed to upgrade CatList
  78.                                | from 3.x to the 4.x version.  You will only
  79.                                | need these if you have not stayed current.
  80.                                | Please read the CATLIST.HIS and UPGRADE.TXT
  81.                                | files in the CatList distribution archive for
  82.                                | directions on running these utilities.
  83. CLDOOR41.ZIP    33804  08-03-93  CallDoor Best Door Converter for Wildcat from
  84.                                | "FairWare"
  85. CONFCHG.ZIP     38953  03-13-94  CONFCHG v1.2 let's Wildcat! Sysops change    
  86.                                | a users confrence number after a Door or     
  87.                                | Dos Drop.                                    
  88.                                | Can be used with a Callback verifier or      
  89.                                | many other programs to give your users       
  90.                                | access to you BBS in new and FUN ways!       
  91.                                | It is Sysop defineable to which confrence    
  92.                                | the user will return to. 100% invisible      
  93.                                | to the user. Will also allow the Sysop       
  94.                                | to define which security levels *NOT*        
  95.                                | to change confrences.Quick, Clean, and       
  96.                                | self contained. No additional programs       
  97.                                | needed. No messy Config files needed,        
  98.                                | but can be used to get additional            
  99.                                | features from CONFCHG. Logs actvity          
  100.                                | to activity logs.                            
  101.                                | <<<<<FREEWARE>>>>> From Brian's World        
  102.                                | (714) 821-3123                               
  103. CPCONF37.ZIP    61720  03-25-94  Cp-Conf v3.07 (formerly ConfFix).  30-day
  104.                                | eval
  105. CPFILE13.ZIP    55849  03-25-94  CP-File v1.3 (formerly FileFix).  30-day
  106.                                | eval mode
  107. CSPRO10.ZIP    312192  11-13-93  CatScan Professional v. 1.0 "The Intelligent
  108.                                | File Processor" CSPro is the state-of-the-art
  109.                                | in Upload File Processors. For WildCat BBS.
  110. CTNEWS11.ZIP    13872  06-08-93  CATNEWS! v1.1 <FREE> - A Newsletter Generator
  111.                                | for Wildcat! v3.x BBS's. Wouldn't it be great
  112.                                | to have a utility that would add on
  113.                                | newsletter so users could scroll thru from
  114.                                | date to date. CatNews! will let you imbed the
  115.                                | Wildcat! @CODES@ right in the Newsletter. The
  116.                                | Newsletter consists of a Banner with your BBS
  117.                                | name and the Date that you entered, followed
  118.                                | by the News that you create! by Maddog
  119.                                | Productions BBS (215) 855-4621
  120. CVTWCT31.ZIP    39743  09-21-93  CVTWCTXT.EXE  v3.1 Convert Wildcat! Text
  121.                                | A WC!3.x SysOp utility to convert the
  122.                                | WCTEXT.DAT & WCTEXT.DEF to an ASCii
  123.                                | output file.  A FREEWARE utility from
  124.                                | PAROLE Software and Dennis Maidon.  This
  125.                                | utility will only operate on the prompt
  126.                                | files frOm WC!3.9.  It will convert ALL
  127.                                | the WC! prompt files.
  128. CWLDPCB.ZIP    176576  03-10-94  Utility to convert WC! Full file listing to
  129.                                | PCB file listing format
  130. DATAV47.ZIP    201726  03-31-94      ╓─    ─╖             version 4.7!
  131.                                |  ╓──╢ ╓──╖ ╫ ╓──╖ ╖  ╓ ╖ ╓──╖ ╖   ╓──
  132.                                |  ║  ║ ╓──╢ ║ ╓──╢ ║  ║ ║ ╟──╜ ║   ║
  133.                                |  ╙──╜ ╙──╜ ╙ ╙──╜ ╙──╜ ╙ ╙──╜ ╙─╨─╜
  134.                                | ─═══════════════════════════════════─
  135.                                | The BEST online archive [V]iewer  for
  136.                                | WildCat! 3.xx  BBS systems!  Supports
  137.                                | standard  and digiboard ports.  Views
  138.                                | ZIP,  ARJ, LZH, PAK,  SDN, ARC,  EXE,
  139.                                | and all text and binary files. Allows
  140.                                | text reading,  text searching,  virus
  141.                                | scanning,  integrity scan,   internal
  142.                                | archive viewing, downloading, & MORE!
  143.                                | ─═══════════════════════════════════─
  144.                                | 1994 by Ryan Cramer ■ Data Connection
  145. DB100.ZIP       64143  12-28-93  WildCat BBS utility to track dropcarrier user
  146. DOORBILL.ZIP    31904  03-17-94  DOORBILL v1.02 - Door Billing system for WC
  147.                                | v3.9
  148. EBAUD100.ZIP    17297  03-25-94  Error-Baud v1.0 Changes Menus based on Baud
  149.                                | Rates! For WC3.x
  150. ESTAT280.ZIP    32958  08-12-93  EchoStat 2.8 for Wildcat!/Wildmail users.
  151. FAXSPL10.ZIP    49847  03-17-94  Fax Split v1.00 is a SysOp utilty for
  152.                                | Wildcat! BBS. In essence, it takes a plain
  153.                                | ASCII text file and splits it up into
  154.                                | sequentially numbered files (pages) of 60
  155.                                | lines per page. Future editions will include
  156.                                | many options to registered users.  See docs
  157.                                | for details on future options.
  158. FAXSPL20.ZIP    50568  03-25-94  Fax Split v1.00 is a SysOp utilty for
  159.                                | Wildcat! BBS. In essence, it takes a plain
  160.                                | ASCII text file and splits it up into
  161.                                | sequentially numbered files (pages) of 60
  162.                                | lines per page. Future editions will include
  163.                                | many options to registered users.  See docs
  164.                                | for details on future options.
  165. FNWC_10.ZIP     12661  08-14-93  WC@ - v1.0 A Wildcat! 3.x @-MACRO developers
  166.                                | TSR util. ALT INS invokes.
  167. FPRO160.ZIP    141652  03-25-94  FILEPRO v1.60 - A Wildcat! 3.xx
  168.                                | File Database Utility.  Allows You to
  169.                                | Tag and Move, Delete, Freshen, Copy,
  170.                                | View, Edit Files very quickly and Lots
  171.                                | More.  A Must for the serious Wildcat!
  172.                                | SysOp.  Makes file area maintenance on
  173.                                | Mega Systems a breeze, no more waiting
  174.                                | all day for the screen to update!!!
  175. GFRWCCFG.ZIP    51668  01-01-94  Set-Up Help For Automating Gofer And Wildcat!
  176. HNR122.ZIP      92901  03-17-94  Headline NewsRoom V1.22 - Now supports
  177.                                | @CODE@ formats
  178. HS_WC26.ZIP      3620  08-25-93  Install HS/Link in Wildcat! 2.60.
  179. IMWCMNP3.ZIP    23476  09-05-93  IMWCMNP v2.1 - Pass the MNP flag from
  180.                                | InterMail to WildCat.
  181. ISRIP11.ZIP     11388  10-09-93  ISRIP v1.1 Implement a RIP graphics DOOR menu
  182.                                | on Wildcat BBS systems
  183. KEYIN10.ZIP      5235  03-17-94                                              
  184.                                | ███████████████████████████████████████████
  185.                                | █▐                                       ▌█░
  186.                                | █▐     A free utility that will cause    ▌█░
  187.                                | █▐ Wildcat! to terminate after each call.▌█░
  188.                                | █▐   Great for programs like Launch Pad  ▌█░
  189.                                | █▐    that detects your modem and runs   ▌█░
  190.                                | █▐ Wildcat! 3.x automatically!           ▌█░
  191.                                | █▐       By  Brandyware Software         ▌█░
  192.                                | ███████████████████████████████████████████░
  193.                                |   ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
  194.                                |                                             
  195. KN301.ZIP       72126  07-25-93  KATNEWS! V3.01 - RIP! Newsletter Creator for
  196.                                | Wildcat! V3.90 Systems.
  197. LAST10M2.ZIP    45319  03-17-94  LAST10CALLERS v2.0 - Bulletin generator of
  198.                                | Lasst 10 callers
  199. LSTUSR10.ZIP    15014  03-17-94  FrontDoor util to update lastcall.xx file to
  200.                                | reflect user
  201. M2NC200.ZIP     36038  07-31-93  Message to Next Caller v2.0 Door for WC! 3.xx
  202. MAKEWCFF.ZIP    51975  03-31-94  Utility write a wcff.cfg for processing
  203. NETBULL.ZIP     47325  03-25-94  WC3.x Util shows TNET/wcUUCP/Other Tosser
  204.                                | xfers.V2.40
  205. NODEINFO.ZIP     6081  03-25-94  Display Master Info, Quick Stats, Status of
  206.                                | Nodes 1-10
  207. NSTAT.ZIP        8353  03-25-94  NSTAT - Change status of nodes,  NodeIsUp
  208.                                | replacement!
  209. NUSER104.ZIP   138327  02-26-94  This Program will require newusers to leave 
  210.                                | Sysop a message. Newuser was made Specificly
  211.                                | for Wildcat 3.6 or higher. Postmstr.zip is
  212.                                | required for this program to work.
  213. PMSTR210.ZIP    58812  03-31-94  PostMaster v2.1 - Command line message
  214.                                | utility for WC! 3.x.  Extremely popular
  215.                                | utility for posting text files as messages
  216.                                | from the command line.  Very useful for
  217.                                | posting logs as messages, first time caller
  218.                                | greetings, questionaire results + much more.
  219.                                | This version adds the ability to properly
  220.                                | address messages posted in your FIDO netmail
  221.                                | conference plus built-in support for sending
  222.                                | first time callers a welcome message from
  223.                                | the LOGIN1.BAT file. Shareware - $25
  224.                                | No key required for evaluation!
  225. PRESCN11.ZIP    68100  03-17-94  Prescn11: allows the user to add themselves
  226.                                | to your tomcat Prescan mail event.  Once
  227.                                | registered it also allows the user to go
  228.                                | into tomCat from within the Prescn11 door..
  229.                                | Prescn11 supports RIP,ANSI, & ASCII Prescn11
  230.                                | is Copyrighted, 1994 Graveyard Software
  231. REGDOR34.ZIP   144838  03-13-94  WC's 5th Menu, ANS RIP, Digi, IM, Fossil, NS 
  232.                                | This is a door that can be setup as a menu ho
  233.                                | have easy access to download your membership 
  234.                                | callback verifier and even run other door pro
  235.                                | Has option for 5, 9 or 14 different Menu Opti
  236.                                | WC Charge and they work very well together.  
  237.                                | protocals that Wildcat uses.  NO NEED for a t
  238.                                | like DSZ or GSZ.  Full RIP aware and has RIP 
  239.                                | Complete support for FOSSIL, IM Digi Board, N
  240.                                | BASE Addresses.  Has easy install program and
  241.                                | own menus and path to what ever files you wan
  242. ROMD311.ZIP    634057  03-31-94  Ultimate CD door for WC!, PcB 14.5 and "ALL
  243.                                | DOOR.SYS BBS's". v3.11
  244. SAFECOPY.ZIP    53445  03-25-94  Safely copy files without SHARING VIOLATION
  245.                                | Ver 1.1
  246. SF2WC.ZIP      146787  06-09-93  SpitFire to Wildcat data converter!
  247. STATSO.ZIP      50218  12-14-93  Statso v1.0 ++ Activity Log analyzer for
  248.                                | Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's. Makes a concise one
  249.                                | screen display of your activity log file
  250.                                | for up to 12 different log files. No
  251.                                | registration fee! A free utility for
  252.                                | Wildcat! SysOp's!
  253. SYSHLPB.ZIP     32514  11-30-93  SYSOP HELPER v0.01b - WildCat utilities
  254. TAGGER01.ZIP    56781  11-17-93  Tagger is a utility for WildCat sysops and ot
  255.                                | ers to add the tagline(s) of their choice to
  256.                                | ext files for use on the Internet News Groups
  257.                                | (UUCP). .ShareWare. It is very simple to inst
  258.                                | ll and use.  Extremely flexible  in operation
  259.                                | By KD9FB SoftWare, Copyright (c) 1993 by Pete
  260.                                | Mikalajunas, All Rights Reserved.  Updates a
  261.                                | vailable from the  Ham Shack BBS 708 369-0730
  262. TAZ_SCRN.ZIP   224258  03-25-94  Complete BBS/RIP(ICONs) screens for WC! from
  263.                                | The Taz's BBS.
  264. TDMSGC.ZIP       5627  03-25-94  Check for Severe Btree Errors in DupMsg log
  265.                                | file and report.
  266. TFIX.ZIP        42606  03-25-94  Use AllFix to receive .TIC files for Wildcat!
  267. TJSTAT14.ZIP    61430  01-01-94  TJStat v1.4 -- Activity Log analyzer for
  268.                                | Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's. T&J Software
  269. TJTOP30.ZIP     57723  01-01-94  TJTop30 v1.2 -- Makes a display of the top
  270.                                | 30 downloaded files in Wildcat! BBS. T&J
  271. TJYEST13.ZIP    58804  01-01-94  TJYest v1.3 -- Activity Log analyzer for
  272.                                | Wildcat! 3.xx BBS's T&J Software
  273. TSTATS.ZIP      56397  02-26-94  TSTATS v1.63 - Total WildCat Stats Generator
  274.                                | New! Created colour bulletin on top users 
  275.                                | and most downloaded files. Several types 
  276.                                | of report format, and fully configurable 
  277.                                | colours. Author offers ongoing support!
  278. UPGRADOR.ZIP    83874  03-28-94  WC3.x DOOR: Users SUBSCRIBE w/Credit Card,
  279.                                | or UPGRADE. V4.17
  280. UTILMNU1.ZIP    89882  03-25-94  UtilMenu v1.1  Expand your 2 DOS hooks into
  281.                                | many..  Read on!
  282. VFX460.ZIP     383403  02-26-94  "The New Standard In Call Back Verification" 
  283.                                | THE Call Back Verifier for Wildcat! BBSs
  284. WC3COLOR.EXE    20228  09-13-93  great program for wildcat sysops to change
  285.                                | the color of wildcat bbs.  freeware!
  286. WCALL200.ZIP    53597  03-25-94  WCCalls v2.00 =-= Ultimate WC! v3.5+ Log
  287.                                | Analyzer/Scanner.  This version allows you
  288.                                | to configure the display colors along with
  289.                                | if you wish to use the RIP (Remote Imaging
  290.                                | Protocol) display option too.  It also
  291.                                | allows the SYSOP to make their own header
  292.                                | file for the output display.  Total cool!
  293.                                | Read the docs for more info!
  294. WCBAT.ZIP        8247  08-28-93  Batch file fixer for Wildcat & FrontDoor
  295. WCINF10.ZIP    123159  02-26-94  WCInform v1.0 - Easy to use Wildcat! BBS
  296.                                | newsletter generator featuring mouse-able
  297.                                | windowed interface and multiple newsletter
  298.                                | formats.  Supports editing from within the
  299.                                | program, overwrite and append options, and
  300.                                | RIP graphics.
  301. WC_CHG15.ZIP    96529  11-15-93  WC-CHARGE door for Wildcat 3.xx bbses
  302. WILDFILE.ZIP    51278  10-12-93  WildFile! - Wildcat! 3.x File Area Editor
  303.                                | This program makes it painless to manipulate
  304.                                | your Wildcat! file area descriptions and
  305.                                | paths.  Works with either the single or
  306.                                | multi-user versions of Wildcat.  Fully
  307.                                | functional (not crippled.)  Modifies the
  308.                                | FILEAREA.DAT database file.
  309. WILDNEWS.ZIP    52102  11-05-93  Wildnews 2.1 Wildcat BBS bulletin;hello maker
  310. WKEYS107.ZIP    78968  03-13-94  WILDKEYS v1.07 - Generate KEY WORDS in       
  311.                                | a Wildcat! v3.x file database.  Strips       
  312.                                | wasted words from keys. No more THE,         
  313.                                | AT, WAS, etc. Strip or keep numbers.         
  314.                                | Select and process a single or a range       
  315.                                | of areas. Runs in background while           
  316.                                | Multi-Line BBS stays up! ** Generate         
  317.                                | those missing key words that WCFF            
  318.                                | forgot to add. FAST mode for single          
  319.                                | line systems.  Now process a single          
  320.                                | file or a list of file names.                
  321.                                | BADKEYS.LST list option to exclude           
  322.                                | your own BAD KEY WORDS.                      
  323. WTICK103.ZIP    44209  03-13-94  Wildtick - simple TIC processor for          
  324.                                | Wildcat 3.x. v1.03.                          
  325.                                | Wildtick is a simple to use TIC-processing   
  326.                                | system for Wildcat BBS version 3 and higher. 
  327.                                | It integrates with WCFile to update your     
  328.                                | WC file databases. Options include message   
  329.                                | upload to your BBS via Tomcat, passthroughs, 
  330.                                | bullx/hellox .bbs output, and "runlater.txt" 
  331.                                | for virus scanner/archiver.                  
  332.                                | Registration: $10.00 U.S.                    